The importance of ethics and transparency in fundraising organisations

Poverty organisation Poverello is under fire after an investigation by journalists Ruben Brugnera and Marieke Brugnera in cooperation with the RTBF programme #Investigation, Le Vif and Knack.*

VEF-AERF, the Assocation for Ethics in Fundraising, made some remarks on the study and recommendations for ngo's and charities to avoid serious facts as in this case of Poverello and to work in an ethical and transparant manner (in Dutch and in French).

Example of transparancy towards the public

As a reaction to the news of irregularities at Poverello, Straatverplegers -Infirmiers de Rue, shared an article to distance themselves from this case and share in transparency their financial details.

Straatverplegers - Financiële transparantie
Infirmiers de Rue - Transparance financière

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