Over PARTNER EVENT "Community Fundraising Day 2023" - Entertainment and sports events at the heart of your digital strategy

PARTNER EVENT "Community Fundraising Day 2023" - Entertainment and sports events at the heart of your digital strategy

iRaiser, together with partners, is organising a Community Fundraising Day on June 5th at Mundo Madou in Brussels.

PARTNER EVENT "Community Fundraising Day 2023" - Entertainment and sports events at the heart of your digital strategy

They will spend a morning dedicated to harnessing the power of entertainment to take your digital strategy and donor relations to the next level.

During this insightful morning, iRaiser and its partners will present success stories and innovations from the Benelux region, as well as international cases.

Experts in digital marketing, peer-to-peer, crowdfunding, sports, gaming and entertainment will lead exciting workshops to help you build your fundraising strategy effectively and retain donors and supporters.

Wordt jouw organisatie ook partner?

Fundraisers Belgium heeft een netwerk van partners die co-branden met ons
kwaliteitsnetwerk aan beslissingsnemers in de fondsenwervingswereld. Stuur een mail naar

info@fundraisersbelgium.be als je graag meer info wil over partnerschap met onze vereniging.