Over PARTNER EVENT 'Making a success of your end of year campaign'

PARTNER EVENT 'Making a success of your end of year campaign'

iRaiser (partner van Fundraisers Alliance Belgium) organiseert een gratis workshop 'Making a success of your end-of-year campaign' op 21 september.

PARTNER EVENT 'Making a success of your end of year campaign'

iRaiser & its partners invite you to their next free physical event dedicated to ensuring the success of your year-end campaigns and taking your digital strategy to the next level.

During this insightful morning, iRaiser, its partners, experts in digital fundraising and peers from the not-for-profit sector will present success stories from the Benelux region, and will lead exciting sessions to help you build your year-end strategy effectively.

More information and registration.

Wordt jouw organisatie ook partner?

Fundraisers Belgium heeft een netwerk van partners die co-branden met ons
kwaliteitsnetwerk aan beslissingsnemers in de fondsenwervingswereld. Stuur een mail naar

info@fundraisersbelgium.be als je graag meer info wil over partnerschap met onze vereniging.