Books and research publications on fundraising
- Meaningful Philantropy - The Person Behind the Giving - by Jen Shang and Adrian Sargeant - 2024
- The Leaky Bucket: What's Wrong with Your Fundraising and How You Can Fix It - Ellen Brisot, Linda Lysakowski, 2023
- In Defence of Philantropy - Beth Breeze - Agenda Publishing - EAN:9781788212618 - september 2021
- The almost definitive book on digital fundraising- Ewald Verhoog - 2021
- Do not f*ck but fund the crowd - Het praktijkboek voor crowdfunding - Dirk Coeckelbergh - LannooCampus - EAN: 9789401475051 - 2021
- Donor Care: How to Keep Donors Coming Back after the First Gift - John Haydon (2020)
- If Only You'd Known, You Would Have Raised So Much More - Tom Ahern (2019)
- Handboek Sponsoring en Fondsenwerving (voor non-profit organisaties) – by Hans van der Westen – Walburg Pers B.V. – ISBN: 9789462492820 – Juni 2018
- The New Fundraisers: Who Organises Charitable Giving in Contemporary Society?, by Beth Breeze, Policy Press; 1st edition, 2017
- Weg van Filantropie, Hans Broodman en Vera Peerdeman. Walburg Pers, 2017
- Tante Mariette en haar fiets Communicatie voor overheid en social profit, Eric Goubin- Vandenbroele - ISBN: 978 90 496 1595 6 - 2017
- The Philantropy Reader, by Michael Moody and Beth Breeze. Routledge, 2016
- Emotionraising - Francesco Ambrogetti, 2016
- Een mecenas van belang. 75 jaar Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds en de impact van cultuurfinanciering, by Gert-Jan Johannes en Arno Neele, 2015
- Retention Fundraising: The New Art and Science of Keeping Your Donors for Life – by Roger Craver – ISBN: 978-1889102535 - September 2014
- Storytelling can change the world - Ken Burnett, 2014
- Beyond fundraising, by Kay Sprinkel Grace. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2013
- Handboek Nalatenschappen – by Arjen Van Ketel – Walburg Pers – ISBN: 9789057309281 – Oktober 2013
- The Essential Fundraising Handbook for Small Nonprofits – by Kirsten Bullock, Betsy Baker, Gayle L. Gifford, Pamela Grow, Lori L. Jacowith, Marc A. Pitman, Sherry Truhlar, Sandy Rees – ISBN: 978-0989600811 – September 2013
- De marketing van idealen - Hans Geels, Ineke van der Ouderaa - Geels Beheer - EAN: 9789082049206 - maart 2013
- Succesvol projecten financieren via crowdfunding, Jaap Burgstra, 2012
- Handboek friendraising – 21 strategieën om vrienden duurzaam aan je organisatie te verbinden – by Vera Peerdeman – Walburg Pers – ISBN: 9789057308888 – september 2012
- The Fundraiser's Guide to Irresistible Communications; real-world field tested strategies for raising more money – by Jeff Brooks – ISBN: 978-1889102023 – September 2012
- Building Donor Loyalty; the fundraiser's guide to increasing lifetime value – by Adrian Sargeant & Elaine Jay – ISBN: 978-1118085868 – februari 2011
- Strategic Fund Development. Building profitable relations that last. 3rd Edition, by Simone P. Joyaux. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2011
- Fundraising Management. Analysis, Planning and Practice, 2nd Edition, by Adrian Sargeant and Elaine Jay. Routledge, 2010.
- Uncharitable; how restraints on nonprofits undermine their potential– by Dan Pallotta – ISBN: 978-1584659556 – Juli 2010
- The AAA way, by Kay Sprinkel Grace. Whit Pr, 2009.
- Asking: a 59-minute guide, by Jerold Panas, Emerson & Church, 2007
- Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert B. Cialdini, 2007
- Keep your donors, The guide to better communications and stronger relationships – by Tom Ahern and Simone Joyaux – ISBN: 978-0470080399 – November 2007
- The Porcupine principle and other fundraising secrets. Directory of social Change, by Jonathan Farnhill, 2007.
- The Development plan, by Linda Lysakowski. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2007
- The Fundraising Feasibility Study. It’s not about the money, by Martin L. Novom. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2007.
- The zen of fundraising, by Ken Burnett. John Wiley & Sons, 2006
- The Ask, How to ask anyone of any amount for any purpose, by Laura Fredericks. John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
- Relationship Fundraising; a donor-based approach to the business of raising money – by Ken Burnett – ISBN: 9780787960896 – Augustus 2002
- The five strategies for fundraising Success, by Mal Warwick. John Wiley & Sons, 2000
- Succesfull Fundraising for Arts and Cultural Organizations, Carolyn Friedman and Karen B. Hopkins, 1996
Research/ publications:
Publicatie 'particuliere fondsenwerving door Belgische non-profitorganisaties' (HOGENT en FAB, 2022)
- Zeven gouden tips om de impact van je actie te verhogen. - (HOGENT)
- Fundraising self-regulation: An Analysis and Review - Rogare, Fundraising Think Tank (2019)
- Legatenbarometer 2021 (onderzoek door HoGent en - Je kan de legatenbarometer hier downloaden.
- HOGENT en KULeuven: Retentie bij jongvolwassenen: Basisingrediënten voor een goede binding met jongvolwassen schenkers.- Oktober 2017- Je kan het onderzoek hier downloaden.
- EFA-report on fundraising in Europe 2017 - december 2017 bij EFA, The European Fundraising Association - link to the report.
- Relationship Fundraising - Building Better Relationships with donors, v2.0 and beyond- By Rogare, Fundraising Think Tank (2016)
- Rights Stuff- Fundraising's ethics gap and a new theory of fundraising ethics v1.1 - By Rogare, Fundraising Think Tank (2016)
- Fondsen werven door Belgische non-profitorganisaties – PWO onderzoeksresultaten in de praktijk – HoGent, Anne-Sophie Bouckaert, Joke Persyn, Eef Scheerlinck … - januari 2015 - Je kan het onderzoek hier downloaden.
- "Advertenties voor het goede doel: de effectiviteit van positieve gevoelens die met zekerheid versus onzekerheid gepaard gaan." - Universiteit Gent - Academiejaar 2004 - 2005 - Liesbet Warlop. Kijk hier de scriptie in.
Education in fundraising
Want to learn more about fundraising? Here is an overview of education opportunities and conferences in Belgium and other European countries.
Fundraisers Belgium (BE) - opleidingen in fondsenwerving - education in fundraising
Hogeschool Gent - Navorming particuliere fondsenwerving (BE-NL)
Helmo - Haute Ecole Libre Mosane (BE -FR)
Fundraisers Forum (BE - FR)
Antwerp Management School (BE- NL)
Geven in Nederland (NL)
European Research Network on Philantropy (EU)
European Fundraising Association (EU)
Association of Fundraising Professionals (INT)
EFA certified qualifications available throughout Europe:
Professional Fundraising, Finland
Certificat Francaise du Fundraising, France
Deutscher Fundraising Verband, Germany
Associazone Italiana Fundraiser
Certificate in Fundraising, Norway
Certificado Europeo de Formación en Fundraising, Spain
Certificieringsutbildning Fundraising, Sweden
Diploma of Advanced Studies in Fundraising Management, Switzerland
Certificate in Fundraising Management/ Diploma in Fundraising, United Kingdom
IFC - International Fundraising Conference (Resource Alliance)
Interesting links
- KBS - Koning Boudewijnstichting
- Vereniging voor Ethiek in de Fondsenwerving
- HoGent – Onderzoek fondsenwerving
- Fundraisers Forum
- European Fundraising Association
- Association of Fundraising Professionals
- The Resource Alliance
- Association Française des Fundraisers
- Deutscher Fundraising Verband
- Institute of Fundraising (UK)
- The Austrian Fundraising Association
- The Czech Fundraising Center
- Finish Fundraising Association
- Fundraising Ireland
- Italian Fundraising Association
- Goede doelen Nederland
- Polish Fundraising Association
- Slovakian Fundraising Association
- Spanish Fundraising Association
- Swedish Fundraising Association
- Swiss Fundraising
- Ukrainian Institute of Professional Fundraising
- Third Sector: fundraising news
- future fundraising now
- France Générosités
- Sofii - Showcase of Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration
- Vakblad Fondsenwerving
- De Dikke Blauwe
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