Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

Conditions of membership

  1. Membership shall commence upon confirmation by the Fundraisers Belgium of the application for membership by the applicant member. The payment of the membership fee entitles the member to the current services at the member price as mentioned on the website under the heading "member benefits".
  2. Membership is valid for 1 year from confirmation and is renewed automatically, unless the member cancels in writing or by e-mail no later than 3 months before the start of a new membership year. In case of late cancellation, the membership will lapse, however, the claim for the relevant period will remain. Collection may be delegated to a third party.
  3. If the membership fee has not been paid, the member cannot receive any entitlement to services at the member price. The association is entitled to stop providing certain services  reserved for members (e.g. access to the members' extranet, sending of the access to the members' extranet, sending of the newsletter, members-only access) and/or ask to pay a surcharge for the services received.
  4. The request for payment of the membership is made either by means of a request for payment (after payment, an invoice will be sent) or by means of an invoice. In the event of non-payment of an invoice, interest on arrears (1% per month and a fixed fee of 100 euros) may be charged. The payment term is 30 days after receipt of the invoice or request for payment.
  5. If the member does not pay the membership fee for year x, the membership for year x+1 shall only take effect after payment of the fee for year x. membership for year x+1 shall only take effect after payment of the membership fee for year x. In this case, no claim can be made for In this case, no claim can be made for the services of year x.


Conditions relating to enrollment in training courses

For the training courses (info sessions, workshop, congress,...) organised by the Fundraisers Belgium the following conditions apply:

  • Registering for a training course
    You can register for a training course via the registration form on the website. If the form is correctly filled in and forwarded, a confirmation message will appear on your screen and you will receive a confirmation e-mail.  About a week before the start of the training course, you will receive a confirmation of participation with practical information.
  • Cancelling your enrolment free of charge
    You can cancel your registration free of charge up to 5 working days before the start of the course. This must always be done in writing (by e-mail or letter). In case of later cancellation, 50% of the registration fee, with a minimum of EUR 50, is due.
  • Absence without written notification
    In the event of absence without written notification (at least 24 hours before the start of the course), the full registration fee will be charged.
    For free training courses, an administrative fee of 30 EURO will be charged for absence without notification. You will be informed the day after the training.
  • Change of registration
    If you cannot attend the training course, you can send someone in your place. Please notify this change by e-mail.
  • Cancellation by the organisation
    In case of insufficient registrations or unforeseen absence of a teacher, the organisation may cancel the training course. You will be notified by e-mail or telephone.
  • Certificate of participation
    The participant receives a certificate of participation after the event and payment of the registration fee.
  • Payment of training
    You will find the participation fee (including or excluding VAT) in the training announcement. You will receive an invoice for this. The participation fee includes any costs for a documentation folder and catering, unless stated otherwise. For payment modalities, see below.
  • Terms of payment:
    Terms of payment - Unless otherwise agreed or stated on the invoice, invoices are payable no later than thirty days after receipt of the invoice. Disputes must be notified by registered letter within eight days of the invoice being sent. For any delay in payment, the customer shall automatically and without prior notice owe interest on arrears of 1% per month started, without prejudice to any damages and costs. A lump-sum compensation of 10% of the invoice amount with a minimum of 150 euros shall also be due ipso jure and without prior notice of default as a penalty clause, in addition to the principal sum, the interest on arrears, collection costs, reminder costs, follow-up costs and expenses due to loss of time and judicial or legal costs.
    This penalty clause shall not affect the obligation to pay the stipulated interest on arrears.

Friends of the FAB

Want to be a friend of the Fundraisers Belgium?

The Fundraisers Belgium has several Friends of the Fundraisers Belgium that co-brand with our quality network of decision makers in the fundraising world. Send an e-mail to info@fundraisersbelgium.be if you want more information about partnering up with the Fundraisers Belgium.